Dark & Cold music
AIMA - Carmina in Spiritum A - Ω
Book + CD limited to 100 copies
CD limited to 300 copies (available now)
Release date April 03th 2023, shipping of book, book+CD start after April 03th 2023.
Inspired by magical rituals and practices from antiquity to modern times, Caverna delle Rose stands as a liminal musical project between research and reinterpretation.Conducted by AimA (Les Jumeaux Discordants, Allerseelen), Evor Ameisie (Camerata Mediolanense, Northagte, Almagest, DDeM Label, ) and Diego Cinquegrana, the Caverna delle Rose project draws an anthropologically coherent sound bridge between ancient practices and beliefs and contemporaneity.
Elysian Chants, the group's first release, takes us on an evocative journey through seven Orphic Hymns (Late Hellenistic Period) and a Song of Creation.

Vinyl Edition Limited on 300 copies
180 gr Black / 60 Marble Blue / 60 Marble Green
CD Digipack + Booklet limited on 500 copies